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Web browsing is crucial to the use of one's computer. Information, data, apps, and other important stuff is accessable through web pages. A browser makes interacting with such pages much easier. A good web browser for me is one that is simple to use yet extremely customizeable.
Brave is a free, (mostly) open-source internet browser based in Chromium. It is customizeable, user-friendly, and comes with a ton of useful features.
Text editors are crucial to the usage of computers. From simply editing documents, to configuring programs, and coding itself, text editors can make or break a good system. A good text editor is lightweight and versatile.
Neovim is free, open-source, and an improved version of the already amazing text editor Vim. It has the same plugin support, with a few features added on top.
Vim is free, open-source, and an improved version of Vi. Vim is slightly less bloated than Neovim, and as a result can be considered better in some scenarios.
If you're on Windows, nothing can beat the classic Notepad++. It is simple, easy to use, and extremely versatile.
Terminals are crucial (at least for UNIX systems), as they are what help you interact with your computer on a deep level. A good terminal emulator has speed, looks, and customizeability.
Kitty is free, open-source, fast, and lightweight. It allows you to customize the fonts and colors with extreme ease. It's my terminal emulator of choice.
Operating systems are the core of your system. In order to even use a computer, an operating system is required. A good operating system is fast, reliable, customizeable, and respects your privacy.
Artix Linux is my personal favorite Linux distro. It's based on Arch Linux (my previous favorite), and as a result is customizeable beyond belief, fast, lightweight, and simple. It's one advantage over Arch is that it doesn't use systemd (which is old and slow).
Arch Linux is one of the simplest Linux distros out there, and is considered a "classic" among Linux users. It's been around forever, is super customizeable, fast, lightweigt, and simple. The only issue is that it uses systemd, which is considered by modern standards to be slow and bloated (although it is still a really cool piece of software).
Pop!_OS is a beginner Linux distro based in Ubuntu. I vastly prefer it to Ubuntu because it has no spyware (unlike Ubuntu) and in my experience has been easier to use and more customizeable. It has all the advantages of using Linux, while being just as easy to use as MacOS or Windows.
Shells are how you interact with applications and your computer as a whole. A high quality shell can make the difference between a shitty and amazing system.
zsh is my shell of choice because it is super fast and for a few quality-of-life reasons. First of all, its autocomplete is much faster and functions like a drop down menu. zsh also follows POSIX standards more closely than Bash (which sets the standard for shells), as well as being super configurable (check out oh-my-zsh).
Bash is the most widely used shell in Linux and comes installed by default on many UNIX systems. It gets the job done, however with alternatives available, it isn't necessarily my first choice.
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